Published by : Obay Salah , November 19, 2024

 It is important to choose the appropriate Character Set for the database, Oracle recommends using AL32UTF8 as the Character Set.

AL32UTF8 is Oracle's name for UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode standard, and the Unicode standard is a global standard for how to store data and supports

most languages ​​in the world and is indispensable in any technology that uses multiple languages ​​(multilingual)

After creating the database and storing the data, the process of changing the Character Set is very complicated and time-consuming, so it is very important to choose the appropriate Character Set

during installation and database creation, and it must be emphasized that the Unicode Standard is indispensable in any multilingual technology.

If you do not want to choose AL32UTF8 and you are not restricted in your choice according to the system owner's requirements; Oracle suggests that you choose one of the Character Set from the recommended list

of the database based on the operating environment and system.

If you are using DBCA and do not want to choose a Character Set from the suggested list, you can use the Advanced option to be able to choose a Character Set outside the suggested list,

or you can also create the database manually using the Create Database command and choose the Character Set you want.

If you create the database and do not choose any Character Set, AL32UTF8 will be chosen by default unless a Template is used to create the database, and this

Template uses another Character Set.

Tags : Database

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